Operational Specifications for Baggage Tractors

2023-04-28 11:22:25

The luggage tractor is an important tool used by the airport ground staff in airport luggage transportation. It can help the ground staff transport the luggage of passengers from the boarding gate or luggage carousel to the plane or retrieve the luggage. In order to ensure the safe operation of the luggage tractor, the following operating specifications need to be observed:


 1. Check before operation

 Before using the luggage tractor, the ground crew needs to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the vehicle. This includes checking the vehicle's mechanical components, electrical system, tires, braking system, and more to make sure the vehicle is functioning properly and that any problems are promptly repaired.

 2. Preparation before loading

 Before loading luggage, the ground crew needs to confirm whether the luggage compartment door on the luggage tractor is closed and locked, and whether the vehicle body is placed on the ground stably to avoid the luggage tractor from shaking or overturning. At the same time, the ground crew also needs to confirm whether the luggage is securely fastened to the vehicle so that it does not slip or fall during travel.

 3. Safety while driving

 When the luggage tractor is running, the ground crew needs to obey the traffic rules and keep the speed moderate. Avoid vehicles traveling too fast or too slow, affecting the safety of other vehicles and pedestrians at the airport. At the same time, it is necessary to keep a clear line of sight during driving to ensure driving safety.

  4. Safe parking

  When parking, the ground crew needs to choose a flat, obstacle-free and safe parking lot. Park the vehicle in the designated parking area of the luggage tractor, and use the parking brake to secure the vehicle to prevent the luggage tractor from sliding or moving.

  5. Safety maintenance

  The ground crew needs to maintain and maintain the luggage tractor regularly, including replacing the oil and filter element required by the vehicle, replacing worn tires and so on. Check and maintain the vehicle regularly to ensure the safety and stability of the luggage tractor.

  In general, the operation of luggage tractors requires strict compliance with operating specifications to ensure the safety and stability of airport operations. At the same time, ground crews need to receive professional training and assessment to master correct operating skills and knowledge. Only in this way can the safe and efficient operation of luggage tractors at the airport be guaranteed.